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Do what you love

Take a moment to tune into your truth… Your feelings… Your depth. Look inside yourself and ask, What do I want? Who am I? Am I expressing all of my deepest desires? What stops me? Most often people are blocked by their fears… their doubts… their anxieties about being the best. About coming forward in the energy of perfection. As humans, we want to create the best possible scenario, we want the best possible outcome. We don’t want to be faced with the feelings of not looking good or not making a good impact. We want to say I did that, with the greatest pride… We want people to admire us… to lead by example… we don’t want to make any mistakes because if we do, we will look foolish, we feel less than, we feel judged and ridiculed.

It is all about perspective… You are on this Earth for a reason… You are one with the Divine Light of the universe… created by source energy… So you are empowered by the support and protection of Mother Earth. So if you knew you were guided every step of the way, what would you do? If you can’t find it within you to take the step… Can you ask? Meditate and become clear about what you want. If you receive an intuitive feeling, an idea about something that makes you happy do you trust it? Do you think it is just your imagination? Dreaming… Fantasizing about what could be… Do you take notice?

We receive messages all the time. We ask for help and when it comes, we sometimes think of it as unrealistic and don’t allow something beautiful and natural to unfold. Yes, it is just human nature… The ego… The patterns of our past… Our conditioning from what we have experienced, that tells us something isn’t possible… Maybe we haven’t seen anyone do it before… So we question if it is possible. But what if you just gave it a go? What if you slowly, gradually gave energy to something you intuitively feel good about… What if you focused on those desires, as far fetched as they may seem? If something is going to unfold, it may as well be something that makes you feel good, right? If you are going to put your energy into something it may as well challenge you to reveal these talents and abilities that have been lying dormant for many years…

You are attracted to people, places and things for a reason… You energetically bring into your life, people who reflect your abilities. Like attracts like, but if you feel things are stagnant, I challenge you to get to know people you are intimidated by the people you admire… People who are living the dream and make it look so easy… Open yourself up to possibilities, look from another perspective and realize by getting out of your comfort zone you will not only face that fear of not being good enough, but you will see that it is easier than you thought… and it will lift your vibration to a whole new way of being because you allowed yourself to explore what else you have to offer.

If you have been following the same path, doing the same thing and getting the same results, I prompt you to make a small change… Go a different way one day… Talk to someone that you normally wouldn’t because you feel a nudge to do so, you never know what this will open up for you. Some information or insight that may reveal possibilities. Be honest with yourself… are you fulfilled? If you left the Earth today, would you be happy? Life is a blank canvas ready for your beautiful, unique artwork… Imagine the radiant energy you could spread by being yourself. By using your creativity to make others happy… Just a comment might make someone laugh… just that connection might make someone’s day… How can you impact this world with your beautiful gifts while attracting to yourself abundance and fulfillment like you never imagined? Why? because the universe responds to good vibes. When you are linked to your true, natural vibration you will attract all you need because you are in tune with your pure light. So not only are you making others happy, but you are fulfilling a purpose bigger than you can imagine.

So what are your talents? Do you admire art? Maybe you could get some paint and play… Do you love listening to music? Maybe you could learn to sing… Do you love to dance? Maybe you could go out and have fun releasing low vibe energy through movement or take up a dance class for fun. Why not? Remember, you are an example for those you love. If you aren’t doing what you love, how would you expect them to? Lead by example, Raise the vibration. And if there is always some reason why you can’t,  Is it more important than your ultimate purpose? Are you making excuses that could be blocking your forward movement? Money comes from doing what you love. If you take one step at a time to invest in your passion the universe will provide… Money is energy, if you believe you have it and are grateful it will come, there is no other way… It is all about a shift in perspective.

When we express our childlike talents we also return to a sense of innocence, of trusting, playing and exploring, so while you are doing all of these creative, playful activities you are also healing your inner child… Which in turn heals your self-love and relationships. Taking pressure off your loved ones to fulfill you because you will already have that sense of self-reliance, satisfaction and independence, making you more attractive and inspirational. Tap into your unlimited self, children are vulnerable, open and free… Reconnect with that pure essence. Maybe you had to grow up quickly with the responsibilities or pressures of your environment… This might be the missing link that sets you free.

So what stage are you at? Are you doing what you love? Do you constantly have thoughts about a passion you haven’t followed and does it keep showing up in your life? Are you restricted, living each day the same as the last and not exploring the beautiful, spontaneous energy and vibrations that this world has to offer? Only you can make the change… Start small, follow the signs… Ask your angels for guidance and they will show you the way to a happier, healthier, more abundant and fulfilled way of being.

And when you leave the Earth you will be smiling… About the fears you conquered and the doors you unlocked, that lead to the many amazing things that made your life complete. Because the fact is, when you put yourself out there and try something new, you get out of your comfort zone and take on the adventure of life… It is all a stepping stone. Even if you don’t get what you want out of that experience at that time, be grateful… look at what you have gained to propel the energy forward. It then rolls over into opportunities that help you advance further along your path, helping you evolve as a soul, tapping into an unlimited source of potential. And who knows, maybe one day you may try that thing that failed or didn’t work and things will align with more synchronicity than you ever imagined… Because it was all about Divine timing, and there were things you needed to do and learn along the way in order for it all to fall into place.

If you don’t try you will never know.

Love, Light and Blessings,


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Self Love

Self love can be an interesting thing… We can think we feel it and know what it’s all about, but when we are confronted with a situation where we are not receiving love from the outside we question… Why don’t they love me? I know I am deserving, I know I am worthy, but why does this person not respond to my attempts to love them…

It is all about vibration… Energy doesn’t lie and when we connect with someone on a deep emotional level they can feel it. They receive the vibe we radiate and this is the telltale sign and the response from the universe as to where you lie when it comes to truly loving yourself.

For example, if we deep down feel unworthy of love and an opportunity to be in a connection arises, do we feel doubt or fear? It’s likely we will project that into the relationship. The thoughts of wanting something that is out of reach. Putting them up on a pedestal and not allowing a balanced mutual connection. The feeling of having to control the outcome… The feeling of not wanting to be vulnerable, not trusting the process, questioning the other persons behaviours and intentions… Is all about denying the fact that there is something deep down that is saying you don’t deserve love. We can choose to hide these lower vibration energies and keep projecting outwards depending on others to bring us Love. But, that just ends in a fall sense of security and ultimately a breakdown in the stability of the connection… Pointing the finger at others when they don’t please you or step up when you want your needs met… and ultimately creating a co-dependent relationship that has a doubtful future of loss and heartbreak.

So what to do you ask? Look at what and who you are attracting… Acknowledge the beauty in this connection… The love, the warmth, the fulfillment it brings and please keep a focus on gratitude as it will lift the vibration of the connection. But also, look at how you are being triggered? What are my lessons in self love? What doesn’t this person do? Do they make you feel insecure? Ignored? Rejected? Abandoned?

If any of these applies to your connection, it means you have some deep inner healing to do. This person has come into your life so you can heal each other and bring up what has been laying dormant so you can forgive those energies, those life lessons and have more loving, fulfilling connections and relationships. Do not target this person for making you feel less… Yet look at where that comes from… Childhood? Did someone make you feel unworthy and you’ve held onto it? Do you feel insignificant? Do you have high standards that come from comparing to the relationships you experienced in your youth? Do you still carry the burdens of your past relationships where someone was reflecting how you felt about yourself? When you take the time to dig deep and discover what is really going on in your emotional self you will uncover a treasure trove and beauty that has always existed within you but you somehow didn’t realize was there.

Do you deserve love? Are you sure? Connect to the radiance of your inner being… You are divinely created and guided… You are here for a reason and life is a reflection of what you think and feel about yourself… Look around you and you will have all the answers… Does this person make me feel unwanted? Why? It is not about them it is always about us and what we project. We choose what we allow in our energy… We vibrate and gravitate towards the things that help us grow and become more abundant, joyful and fulfilled… So next time you are attracted to someone ask what attracts me? And enjoy the benefits of what this has to offer… then ask how does this person disappoint me? Why do I feel rejected? Why do I feel ignored? Are you ignoring yourself? Did someone in your past ignore you? Do you sit comfortably in the knowing that love is your ultimate state and the one you desire, desires you… ‘I AM A MAGNET FOR LOVE AND ABUNDANCE’…Because the truth is, you are a magnet for everything that you think about yourself and your life… There is no getting away from this and yes, no one else is to blame… It is all about what you are willing to receive…

Give yourself some time to look within… Realize if you feel you have been dealt a challenging hand well its quite likely you are an old soul, which means yes, there are tough times, but for that there are also great rewards as the universe has a plan and all is unfolding as it should. Take on the challenge of knowing that you have been given something a little harder because you can handle it, but yes indeed the benefits when you uncover these hidden depths are awesome and worth it. Take it on as life teaching you to get to know yourself a little better, to acknowledge that you do have options and that’s by keeping your vibe high, your thoughts positive, knowing your focus, knowing you are worthy and deserving of all the love and abundance you can imagine that you will naturally receive… There is no other way… If you do not truly love yourself and feel ready to accept divine love how is someone else supposed to feel that from you… Energy is everything…

So get in touch with that deep part of yourself … This works whether you are in a relationship or not as it will help you develop a true sense of being and loving which in turn will deepen close bonds as there is no co-dependence… Yet, an independent sense of being whole and complete regardless of outside circumstances. Radiating that sense of security is the best and proven way of creating a loving unlimited connection, that blossoms and grows as you both get more in touch with your individual passions and inspirations. It ignites a sense of adventure and spontaneity, a sense of enjoying each other without needing attention, but being open to the flow of love when it comes your way. And yes, boundaries and standards are always important in order to guide this love in a direction where you both feel comfortable and in alignment with what you deserve and desire…

So food for thought… Be your own inspiration today… Walk around like you are whole and complete within yourself… Feel like you are loved and loving… Know the right connection that reflects your vibration will naturally come your way because you are open to receiving love and abundance… and when it does enjoy it for all its worth and when insecurities surface ask where does this come from because it is likely a lesson from the universe to remind you of your magnificence… It is an opportunity to feel the presence of your divine self… That you are one with everything, you are created from divine energy and therefore there is no other way but for you to have all your needs met and the love you desire.

Love Light, and Blessings,


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Spiritual Awakening

As we go through this time of upheaval and change, please be aware that we are ascending into a new state of consciousness. What does this mean? Mother Earth is going through a beautiful transition… Yes, looks can be deceiving.

Sending out love and light to all you beautiful souls at this time of upheaval and change…

Please focus on the love in your heart and know what you are experiencing is a beautiful transition as we are being directed spiritually to awaken… Yes, this is an Ascension, which means we are moving toward living with purpose and intention… Follow your passions and the things that excite you… Please bring forth your skills and talents that have been laying dormant for some time… There is a reason you are here, far beyond the daily grind… You are being supported by the universe at this time to stand in your power… To acknowledge your soul essence… To know we are eternal and the transition as a soul through this earthly realm is temporary…

Meditation is the best way to clear your energy and focus on the direction forward… I find the beautiful, peaceful moments before dawn the best time to meditate as the earths energy is clear and there is a true sense of peace and stillness…



Sit with a candle before you in silence and focus on the flame… Bring your mind to the present… As you do this, you may find your mind wanting to drift or create chatter… Just acknowledge those thoughts and gently bring yourself back to the present, as you gaze upon the flame flickering…

As you continue, you will find it becomes easier to be present … Just slowly guiding yourself back each time.


You will start to feel a sense of peace come over you… Now I want you to imagine that flame is reflecting your soul… That’s right, that flame is the light shining within you… Your soul… As it flickers and radiates breathe in the purity, the bliss, the peace… Deep breaths, in and out… Relax your body, feel the tension in your muscles dissipate and detach from your physical body by realizing you are a bright spark of light… You are a soul… This is your pure essence… Feel the comfort in knowing you are one with everything, protected and guided… Release and surrender all your doubts and concerns… Focus on your light… This moment is all there is.

The point of this is realizing we manifest what we think in each moment… If you can find peace and think good thoughts you will start to energetically manifest from those thoughts… Where thought goes energy flows… You will begin to see results from those thoughts… Which will further confirm that you are an amazing soul bigger and brighter than any obstacle you could face … Once you master this I believe possibilities are endless…

I like to start my day by affirming:


Find peace in the fact that you are protected and guided by angels… Ask for their assistance… Ask for signs… You will start to notice things unfolding in miraculous ways… I know it is a big ask to trust, but believe me those who have walked the path, myself included know first hand that when you do what you love, abundance follows… Yes, the intention, effort and belief is required but if you are so willing to raise your vibration and go with the flow you will attract results… This is about belief in yourself… Belief in the universe, where you exist as a being of beautiful bright light… You are created from the energy of the universe… Like the trees and the stars… We are one… Love is all there is and as you continue to uplift the earth with your beautiful vibration, you will not only bring peace to yourself, but to Mother Earth as a whole… This is what is required at this time. Let go of fear and doubt… Release the need to panic, but surrender in the knowing that you are blessed and one with spirit… Observe your thoughts… Gratitude, Self love and peace of mind are very important at this time… what you think, you manifest.

Blessings to you.

Love and Light,
